Assortment tissue culture material | 2024-2025

Life-long Experience Premium Quality Elite Crops Genetics Bank From the very beginning of your plant’s journey to its thriving maturity, Vitroflora Tissue Culture Laboratory stands as your dedicated partner in delivering the finest quality ornamental plant material. Our commitment extends globally, as we collaborate with clients all over the world, ensuring excellence at every step. It is nearly five decades of expertise, as we take pride in being at the forefront of biotechnology in plant tissue culture in Europe. Our cutting-edge propagation technologies, coupled with a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, guarantee top-notch results for your needs. Vitroflora Tissue Culture Laboratory holds the prestigious NAK Elite Naktuinbow certification, underscoring our unwavering commitment to meeting the highest standards. Choose us for a partnership rooted in experience, innovation, and the assurance of quality that comes with the NAK Elite stamp of approval. Your partner Vitroflora Team certified by: Green Innovation www . vitroflora-laboratory .com Marcel Zimmerman | General Manager of the Laboratory